My name is Nassir John; I am from the construction club whose main work is to form different structures by combining materials or parts. In our class we perform different works like building houses, decorating by using paving blocks and carpentry. Shortly I will talk about pavement decoration. First I will clear the area needed...
Author: NALOPA Schools (NALOPA Schools)
My name is Robinson; I am in our school’s farming club. Farming is the process of growing different crops. In our school farm we plant Chinese cabbage, sweet papers, tomatoes and kales. By doing this activity we gain several advantages like, it is a source of income, job employment, it is the source of food...
My name is Deborah; I am in our school’s needlework workshop. Needlework is a decorative arts and handcraft which involves designing, cutting fitting and fishing clothes. Does needlework have any merits? Yes of course. It helps me to develop focus and concentration; it enhances my critical thinking and maths skills. It increases my hand eye...
I am Charlotte I like making Batiks. Batik is the traditional method or technique of decorating textile through dye resistance in which designs are created by preventing specific parts of the fabric from being exposed to dyes (colors), Batik making is important because it adds value to the plain fabric and makes it more marketable...
I am Caroline talking from Nalopa School’s Barber shop. In our barber shop we cut hair in different styles and sizes. While in the barbershop I create an inviting space by ensuring that the shop is clean and organized. I offer reading materials so that those on the waiting bench can keep themselves busy. I...
I am David, a young electrician from Nalopa School. I will talk about an electric circuit. A circuit is a special path followed by an electric current. The two types of electric circuits are; parallel circuits and series circuits. A parallel circuit has more than one path. If one resistor fails or malfunctions the electric...
I am Sarah from Nalopa School. I enjoy good, tasty and delicious food very much. Cookery is the practice or skills of preparing and cooking food. It is important because it helps me to meet nutrition guideline in my daily nutrition supply and it also helps me to make healthier food choice. During cookery I...